Monday, April 24, 2017

Shinhan Card introduced 'My Home Plus credit / debit card'

The release of [financial newspapers around the lower cervical Korea News] Shinhan Card is "My Home Plus credit / debit card.

Shinhan Card has announced the release of Home Plus and Home Plus points jeokripyul high 'My Home Plus credit / debit cards, membership cards than ever before, strategic partnerships said part 24.

My Home Plus credit card upon Homeplus discount stores, Express, online shopping payment makes it earned a total of 2% without performance or month limit. In another merchant to give the groove plus 0.5% points, when the mobile debit charge gives to earn 1.5%. My Home Plus card upon check Homeplus stores give payment to earn a total of 1% in the prior year other than merchant gives earn 0.1%.

My Home Plus credit card when payment is less than 100,000 won from 20,000 won or more per life-friendly merchants to provide 10 per month for "Coin saving" service that discounts the change is less than 1,000 won.

Homeplus My Home Plus credit / debit card, according to the release for payments from this card Homeplus until May 31, the front end product a 10% discount, rental store 10% discount, 10% charge discount for payment more than 70,000 won in the online mart the proceeds of the event, etc.

Credit card annual fee Local 12,000 won, 15,000 won a visa and there is no annual fee debit card.

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